September 10, 2022
Wabaabagaa Giizis (Changing Leaves Moon) is here and my song isn’t ready, BUT…Mercury is in retrograde along with six other planets, so I can’t be taking any of this too personally, including a delayed song drop! Sorry I can’t give you the full track today, but at least I can give you a sneak peak to hold you over.
As I look up at that glorious Harvest Moon tonight, I am recognizing this shift of time and this transition from Summer frolicking to Fall back-to-businessing. It is time to re-focus, re-align, re-consider and, of course, my favourite…RE-LEASE. Putting out my glass of water and allowing the transformations to unfold. Bring it. Kind of fitting that this month marks my wedding anniversary, as well as the only happy love song I’ve written. There’s a first for everything!
Today’s Full Moon Release is called Your Love (feat. Plex) and I wrote it with Karen Kosowski about 8 years ago in Toronto. It started out as simple tribute to my man, but years later it has grown into something bigger, fuller, deeper and with a lot more bass! Just like our marriage. Big thanks to my producer Adrian X for helping me find this world of sound for this song to live in. And a super big miigwetch to my brother Plex, whose humour and wit can elevate any track. It’s just stupid how good he is.
Produced and Mixed by Adrian X
Written by Me, Karen Kosowski & Plex
Vocals by Me, Rap by Plex
Programming by Adrian X
Guitars, Keys and Bass by Adrian X
Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie Thomas King
August 11th, 2022
Manoominike-giizis (Ricing Moon) is one of many Anishinaabe names for this month that celebrates the bountiful crops of each region. It is a time of abundance, where nature is peaking, gardens are exploding and plants and flowers are reaching their heights. It is a delicious and beautiful time. Today’s song totally fits that vibe, but I’m even more aware that this song falls within the newly proclaimed Emancipation Month in Toronto, which follows our National Emancipation Day on August 1st that commemorates the historic day in 1834 when slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire.
Today’s Full Moon Release is called FREEDOM and it’s one of the few songs I wrote by myself, since I usually like to work with co-writers. It was 2007 and I was living in LA, post divorce, in a converted garage, pawning my electronics and eating at Subway everyday, cause I didn’t have a kitchen. I couldn’t get an acting job to save my life and the situation was challenging, to say the least, but I was more alive than I’d ever been. I was exercising freedoms of choice that my parents, grandparents and everyone who came before me didn’t have at my age. And although we can all agree that freedom is a right, during that time of picking myself up and starting again, I felt so deeply that my freedom was a privilege. One that I had because of them; because of what they survived; because of what they fought for and against. If you can honestly look at what freedoms you enjoy and why you have them and where they come from, it is possible to reach an ecstatic place of celebration. And when you get there…please, please, please…dance your ass off and give thanks!
Big Miigwetch to my friend Adrian X who speaks my language of sound and story and is able to meet me there so perfectly.
Produced and Mixed by Adrian X
Written by Me
All Vocals by Me, Rap by Plex
Programming by Adrian X
Guitars by Adrian X
Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie Thomas King
July 13th, 2022
Tonight’s Miskomini-giizis or Miin-giizis (Raspberry Moon/Berry Moon) also happens to be the biggest and brightest moon of 2022. That’s some powerful energy, friends. No pressure! Luckily, my song today is all about the overwhelming feeling of expectation during times of abundance, fruition and momentum. It’s hard not to want it all. It’s hard to ground when you feel so ready for the next moment. And this is why I need to practice patience and acceptance more than ever. Yes, it will come…and also, be here now.
Today I offer “Patience” with lyrics and music by Karen Kosowski and Me. Written 8 years ago, while I was living in England, deep in postpartum with a beautiful baby on my boob (yes, I literally wrote this while breastfeeding). I spoke these words to remind myself that I will step into my life again or at least recognize parts of who I was again while also putting a voice to that unnerving feeling of stuckness and unknowingness amidst the miracles and blessings of motherhood.
In this radical moment of shifting planets, stars and energies beyond, it’s okay to not know how things are going to work out. Especially these days. So all I can do is look up at that glorious Moon, give thanks, and trust that she’s got me. And all of you, too.
Produced by Julia Piker
Written by Karen Kosowski and Me
Lead Vocals by Me
B/G Vocals by me and Julia Piker
Programming by Julia Piker
Mixed and Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie Thomas King
June 14th, 2022
Ode'imin Giizis (Heart Berry Moon/Strawberry Moon) is full of life and love. So fitting that today’s release is titled “Let Go,” which is practically my thesis for this year-long heart project. Letting go is my greatest challenge in life and yet it is also the one act that ALWAYS delivers. Every time. The practice that brings abundance, healing, freedom and…space. Space for all the new things to come in.
Back in 2011, I muscled up and finally let go of someone who had taken up so much space in my life. To be honest, it was maybe the third time I walked away, but maybe I just needed the practice. So I kept getting better at it until one day, I started walking and I never looked back. It was one of the greatest things I’ve ever done for myself and I still thank that younger me for changing our direction that day.
Today I offer “Let Go” lyrics by me and music by me and Karen Kosowski. May it inspire your inner yearning to release something you’ve been holding on to for too long. Remember, Full Moon Ceremonies don’t have to be grand. Sometimes I just leave a glass of water outside, where She can shine her brilliance onto its surface. When I’m able to see Her up in the sky (which I’ll be able to tonight), I give thanks for her guidance and I share my dreams with Her and imagine all the other people on the planet who are praying/thanking/smiling at the Moon, too.
Produced by Adrian X
Written by Karen Kosowski and me
Lead & BG Vocals by me
Guitars, bass, drum programming by Adrian X
Mixed and Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by TP
May 17, 2022
Remember that time I said I was gonna release a song every full moon? And then the Moon chuckled (lovingly) and said “yes, baby girl…try and keep up.” Well, I’m doing my best.
There was some powerful action in the cosmos this May with Waabigwani-giizis (Flower Moon) and Makadewaabikizi (Eclipse). Serious opportunity for letting go. Eclipses allow for the ultimate release of emotions and attachments that no longer serve us. Not sure about you, but this month brought me to my knees - a few times. It was a hard one. But I kept showing up for it and kept listening to my guiding voices.
Today I offer my song “Bizindan” (Listen) which I wrote 7 years ago with Karen Kosowski. I wanted to explore my conversation with those guiding voices who continue to redirect me to the call, to the knowing, to the Mino-Bimaadziwin (Good Life). Whether that’s the Creator, the Moon, my Ancestors, her voice is always there saying “Bizindan nidaanis” (Listen, daughter). And so I do.
Produced by Adrian X
Written by Karen Kosowski and me
Lead & BG Vocals by me
Guitars, bass, drum programming by Adrian X
Mixed and Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie King
March 18, 2022
Feeling the season change deeply with this Moon. Yesterday, all the ice huts were taken off the lake and the the blanket of snow just melted away. We are in Onaabidin-Giizis (Snow Crust Moon). This time marks the transition of melting and re-freezing, crusting and hardening and loosening and softening. Makes me think of our own protective layers that crack, guards we let down and how fragile the ground under our feet is at different times in our lives.
Today I offer you “Out From Under,” first written 17 years ago and finally given life 2 years ago when I met the brilliant powerhouse Hill Kourkoutis who helped create a world of unravelling, disillusionment and distress.
Produced and Mixed by Hill Kourkoutis
Written by Hill and Me
Lead Vocals by Me
BG Vocals by Hill and Me
Guitar, Keys, Bass, Drum Programming by Hill
Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie King
February 16, 2022
I am so ready for today’s full moon. Mukwa Giizis (Bear Moon) allows us to honour the visions we imagined in that time of hibernation months ago. This is an amazing moon for creativity, liberation and passion, which makes me secretly see it as an “Artist’s Moon.” It’s an intense one, so I’m gonna take it easy, offer my water, do a good smudge, step outside in the freezing rain later tonight and gaze up at Her in awe. But right now…I’m gonna blast this song on my stereo.
Today's Full Moon Release is called "Too Late." For all you dreamers and believers...it ain't over, till it's over. Seriously.
Produced by Adrian X
Written by Karen Kosowski and me
Lead & BG Vocals by me
Guitars, bass, drum programming by Adrian X
Keys by Karen Kosowski
Mixed and Mastered by Phil Demetro
Album Art by Jamie King
January 17, 2022
And sometimes, a full moon comes around and you don’t have a song. Today is Manitou-Giizis (Spirit Moon). It’s an important one, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make the song work for this special night. So instead, I’ll be letting go of guilt. I’m accepting that this month of isolation and cancelled plans, sick family and friends, closed schools and a province-wide lockdown has been an absolute shit show and the best thing I can do is give thanks that I’m still standing and still singing.
December 18, 2021
Another lunar cycle. Wow, that flew by. Manidoo-Giizisoons (Little Spirit Moon), the longest and fullest moon of the year. This powerful moon is rich with opportunities to reflect on and release the past. I didn't intend for this particular song to be for this moon, but I see now how fitting it is.
These Full Moon Releases have been so healing, allowing me to integrate parts of my self that I have purposely left behind. I didn't know what to do with the shame, failure and longing, so I put it in a song and left it there. Ten years later, I am singing these words in a very different way. I'm older and I'm wiser. I know that defeat won't kill me, rejection hurts, but it's survivable and walking away is sometimes the greatest self-care I can offer myself.
Today, I bring you "Home," which I wrote in 2011 with Karen Kosowski (who gets full credit for coming up with that gorgeous bridge).
Credits for "Home":
Produced by Jason Gleed of Music Box and Tamara Podemski
Written by Tamara Podemski and Karen Kosowski
Lead vocals: Tamara Podemski
Piano: Noah Reid
Programming: Jason Gleed
Mixed and mastered by Dan Viafore
Album art by Jamie Thomas King
November 19th, 2021
Happy Full Moon, Friends! Baashkaakodin-Giizis (Freezing Moon) is doing her thing, having just completed the longest partial lunar eclipse in almost 600 over years!!! Mmm…big dreams, big thanks, big love and big release. What are we holding on to and what are letting go?
Today, I offer my latest single “So Far Away,” a song I wrote back in 2014 with Karen Kosowski, who helped me negotiate long-distance love, home-sickness and postpartum.
Credits for "So Far Away":
Produced by: Jason Gleed of Music Box and Tamara Podemski
Written by: Tamara Podemski and Karen Kosowski
Lead vocals: Tamara Podemski
BG vocals: Tamara Podemski and Jason Gleed
Guitars, bass, keys, synths, programming: Jason Gleed
Keys: Karen Kosowski
Percussion: Ryan Vaughn
Mixed and mastered by Dan Viafore
Album art by Jamie Thomas King
October 20th, 2021
In recognition of The National Day of Truth & Reconciliation and in honour of all Residential School Survivors, including my grandparents Tom Anaquod and Sophie McDonald, I am releasing my new song “Brand New Day” and offering it for free downloads.
The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of his or her Residential school experience.
Credits for "Brand New Day":
Produced by: Jason Gleed of Music Box and Tamara Podemski
Written by: Tamara Podemski and Karen Kosowski
Lead vocals & BG vocals: Tamara Podemski
Original Programming: Karen Kosowski
Additional Programming: Jason Gleed
Keys: Karen Kosowski
Mixed and mastered by Dan Viafore
Album art by Tamara Podemski